Why a Full Cumbrian Breakfast is the Best in the World

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Hiking in the Lake District is amazing but it does require a lot of energy. If you’re out for the day and visiting all the region has to offer, it helps to start the morning with a hearty breakfast from our cafe in Bowness on Winderemre.

Let’s introduce you to the Full Cumbrian Breakfast!

It’s a variation of the traditional English breakfast and, as the locals will tell you, the best breakfast in the UK and, arguably, the world. It’s more than just a meal. It is an experience, a taste of Cumbria's rich agricultural heritage, and the perfect fuel for a day exploring the rugged beauty of the Lakes.

The Components of a Full Cumbrian Breakfast

At first glance, the Full Cumbrian Breakfast shares similarities with its English counterpart, featuring staples such as bacon, eggs, sausages, and tomatoes. However, it is the quality of the local ingredients and the generosity of the serving that sets it apart. A traditional Cumbrian breakfast includes:

  • Cumberland Sausage: A highlight of the meal, this coiled sausage is seasoned with a unique blend of herbs and spices, providing a flavour-bursting start to the day.

  • Black Pudding: Sourced from local butchers who have perfected their recipes over generations, Cumbrian black pudding is in a league of its own.

  • Free-range Eggs: Often coming from hens that roam free across the Cumbrian countryside, these eggs have vibrant yolks and a fresh taste that supermarkets can’t match.

  • Local Bacon: Cured and smoked within the Lake District, our bacon boasts a depth of flavour that enhances the overall dish.

  • Grilled Tomatoes and Mushrooms: These are more often than not grown in the fertile Cumbrian soil, bursting with natural flavours.

Add in locally baked fried bread or toast and freshly made hashbrowns or potato cakes, all washed down with your favourite brew and you have everything you need to start the day.

Local Produce Makes the Difference

What truly elevates the Full Cumbrian Breakfast above its counterparts is the reliance on local sourcing. Cumbria's rich farming traditions and commitment to quality mean that each ingredient is fresh and full of flavour. This not only supports the local economy but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with food transportation, offering a sustainable and ethical choice for diners.

The protein-rich sausages, bacon, and eggs provide long-lasting energy, vital for hiking the fells or strolling along the lakeshores. This hearty breakfast ensures that hunger is kept at bay for hours, allowing adventurers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the Lake District without the distraction of a rumbling stomach.

Served in local cafes, farm shops, and guest houses, the breakfast is accompanied by friendly Lake District service.

In a world where breakfast can often be overlooked or rushed, the Full Cumbrian Breakfast stands as a testament to the importance of starting the day right, especially when surrounded by the majestic scenery of the Lake District. It offers not just sustenance, but a connection to the land, its people, and their traditions.

Pop by our cafe in Bowness to try some of our amazing breakfast menu items.


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